Individual Therapy
Going to therapy used to be considered something hush-hush, carrying a stigma that might make people wonder...Are you crazy?? Thankfully, caring for your mental health is now considered as important as caring for your physical health. In fact, caring for one IS part of caring for the other. You are not just a head and you are not just a body–you are a WHOLE person. Everyone experiences issues with mood, problems with relationships, and has questions about thoughts and behaviors during their lifetime. It's part of being human.
Individual therapy is a good way to explore these issues with someone who can listen without judgement and help you develop new skills, insight, and options for dealing with your problems and your questions. I integrate a variety of interventions and provide resources, tailored to what you need so you can achieve your goals for your life and relationships.
Couple Counseling
Every relationship goes through stages. Usually you start in an idealistic place, both partners on their best behavior and showing up strong to keep that new connection. As time goes on and your relationship develops, a couple often settles into a more familiar and comfortable dynamic in which they begin to show who they are in a more real way, and they begin to notice each other's flaws. Many of us have never been taught how to have a good fight, so we fall back on our learned emotional responses to conflict, which is typically to double down or to withdraw. Then a dysfunctional dance begins, and every time familiar feelings of distress show up, you are stuck in the same pattern and don't know how to do anything different.
An educator and a coach, I guide you into a new way of interacting with one another, helping you develop listening and empathy skills, so you can form a more stable bond and intimate connection.

Sex Therapy
I've realized some people have interesting ideas about what sex therapy is, so let me explain it as plainly as I can! When you experience any kind of problem connected to your sexuality, either personally or in your relationship, and you aren't sure what to do about it, you need someone to safely talk to, someone who can offer you practical help. I have special training in understanding sexual issues and treating sexual problems. I believe that God created each person as a sexual being with a desire for relationship with others, and this innate part of who you are is a beautiful gift that has sadly been warped and caused harm for so many in this broken world. It's a privilege for me to help restore what has been broken in this area, and I love teaching my clients about the purpose of their God-given sexuality.
Some of the issues I help my clients navigate include sexual desire problems, difficulty with orgasms or erectile functioning, aging and sexuality, female sexual pain, sexual addictions, sexual abuse from childhood, intimate partner sexual abuse, affair recovery, teaching your children about sex, gender and sexual identity, and more. I am comfortable with discussing these topics in a gentle and non-judgmental way, and I do my best to help you be comfortable talking to me about issues that can be hard to talk about! I do sex therapy with both individuals and couples.
I am currently working on my certification as a sex therapist through the American Board of Christian Sex Therapists.