I am full of good intentions. Good at starting projects, I’m not always so good at finishing them. Sometimes I wonder if I have some symptoms of ADHD. Some of my adult children have noticed they may deal with some ADHD symptoms, as well. For me, this can show up with difficulty finishing projects (and books, sigh), procrastination, and being easily distracted. While I may not merit a diagnosis, I believe knowledge is power, and it helps to recognize these symptoms in order to deal with them. How to do that is a story for another time.
For now, I’m explaining my absence and announcing my return. Knowing myself, I cannot promise that this return will be a permanent change. I know how hard change can be. But my word for this year is intentional, which is different than having good intentions. I am trying to be intentional about how I steward my time, and that means more reading and writing, activities I highly value, but my use of time has not been reflecting that.
One of my biggest time sinks has been social media. I’m as prone to mindless scrolling as the next gal. Last week I took Instagram and Facebook off my phone. I have mixed feelings about this, because I really do connect with people through both platforms, and I cannot easily post on IG from my desktop…and I can’t share stories there (though there may be a hack I can try). Already I’ve been reading a LOT more. For the last few months I’ve been writing daily morning pages (highly recommended), and this will be a great place for me to practice my intention to continue writing more again.
“Use it or lose it.”